I have never been so proud to be a contributor to GNOME as I am right now. So many people are working so hard to deliver an awesome 3.0 release it would be impossible to name them all. In many cases people are taking time away from their families or personal lives to give our community the best launch experience—on schedule!—that we can possibly achieve. This is going to be the most user-focused release of GNOME, ever.

The past few weekends I've been skipping time away from friends and family to achieve the most visible contribution that I have made this cycle which has been to spin some marketing videos which we are going to use to promote GNOME 3.0 on launch day. The thinking is that short videos will increase the audience—especially among those who don't like reading release notes.

The first two videos are posted up on our YouTube account. We're using YouTube's HTML5 embedding mode to stream the videos in WebM on gnome3.org and work is underway to use Universal Subtitles for i18n and a11y purposes. That should be ready by launch day.

I'm going to use every last spare moment this weekend to finish as many as I possibly can in advance of our launch next week.

Let's get the word out about GNOME 3's better user experience!